Wir warten Sie in zwei landschaftlich reizvollen Ländern, in zwölf diversen Standorten begrüßen zu dürfen.

A river’s rhythmic ripples, a lake with slowly gliding herons, a village life full of warmth, a gushing sea that takes after its dolphins, jungles that introduce you to nature in its absolute rawness, clear turquoise waters bordered by white sands or just the nicest comforts of an urban life – what sounds like your kind of getaway? We’ll take you there.

Sri Lanka made it to the CNN Travel 2020 List of Places to Travel to. We are proud to have 11 of our hotels and resorts located on this little island, that is considered as an essential travel destination by CNN.
Source - https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/places-to-visit-2020/index.html

Sri Lanka has been named the best island in the world to visit by Escape Magazine. We are proud to have 11 of our hotels and resorts located in this paradise island, that is the number one choice of travellers for 2020.
Source - https://www.escape.com.au/news/its-back-this-island-is-world-no1-again/image-gallery/012b53fdc590551a6936f5e01d4b7ffe

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